
一些申请经济援助的学生将被联邦处理人员选中进行验证. This federally mandated verification process uses documentation to confirm that the information provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is correct to ensure that you receive all the federal financial aid to which you are entitled.

博彩平台推荐’s 办公室 金融援助 will verify all FAFSAs which are selected for verification by the federal government in a given academic year. We may also select certain FAFSA filers in addition to the government selection if there is reason to suspect that the FAFSA information is inaccurate. We will also reserve the right to waive verification when the FAFSA shows that a student would not be eligible for any need-based aid. 对于所选的过滤器, the verification process must be completed before the student can receive disbursement of any need-based financial aid.

联邦援助的优先截止日期是在首次要求提供验证文件后两周. 学生 will receive an email notification to check their financial aid portal for verification documents.  如果学生未能完成验证过程, 档案将保持不完整,联邦援助将不会授予和/或支付.

如果学生在确定资助后被选中进行核实, the student must complete the verification process within the same time frame as stated above in order to remain eligible for federal funds. 如果学生的资助资格因验证过程而发生变化, 援助将重新计算.

基于学生和家长提供的文件, 财政援助办公室将相应地更新和更正FAFSA的信息. 修正 that have been made due to verification will be electronically submitted to the FAFSA Processing System (FPS) for processing.  Changes to the financial aid award will be communicated to students through email by the 办公室 金融援助.

如果经济援助办公室怀疑学生, 员工, or other individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, 学校将向监察长办公室报告怀疑并提供任何证据.

验证问题 & 答案

关于FAFSA提交摘要, there will be an asterisk next to the Student Aid Index (SAI) and a comment in the Application Status section informing the student that their school has the authority to ask for additional documentation to complete verification. You can view your FAFSA Submission Summary online by logging into your FAFSA using your FSA user ID and password.

财政援助办公室也将通过电子邮件通知学生. 学生 will be sent an email to their 博彩平台推荐 email address and will direct them to their CU portal for the required forms.

Reasons vary; it may be that your FAFSA was incomplete or contains estimated or inconsistent information. 你也可能是随机选择的. 核查是一项联邦法规. 学生 selected for verification are not being punished; rather verification prevents ineligible students from receiving aid by reporting false information and ensures that eligible students receive all the aid for which they qualify.

是的. Participation in the verification process is required if the student received any need based federal funding in their financial aid award including loans and work study. 如果被选中的学生没有在规定的截止日期前提交所需的文件, 他或她将没有资格作为博彩平台推荐的学生获得联邦经济援助, 所有未决的联邦学生援助贷款都将被取消.

Should the verified financial information differ significantly from the original information provided on the FAFSA, 你的经济援助可能会调整.


如果你的FAFSA提交摘要表明你被选中进行验证, you and your parent(s) will be required to provide supporting documents to the 博彩平台推荐 办公室 金融援助.

您选择的验证类别和所需的具体文件将有所不同. 如果联邦处理人员选择您的申请进行验证, you do not have to wait for the 办公室 金融援助 to request additional documentation from you. 您有责任审查您的FAFSA提交摘要, 哪个将列出您所选择的具体验证类别, 以确定您是否被选中,并向财务援助办公室提交其他文件.

You will receive an email notification from the 博彩平台推荐 办公室 金融援助 outlining your requirements. 下面是每个核查类别的细目.


报税人须知, applicants and contributors will be required to provide consent and approval to retrieve Federal Tax Information (FTI) directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  当FTI通过未来法案直接数据交换(FA-DDX)从IRS收到时, 收到的FTI视为已核实,不需要其他文件.

用于手动输入学生和家长以及/或家庭规模的联邦税务信息, 你可提交下列其中一项:

  1. 从美国国税局或其他相关税务机关免费获得的美国国税局税务记录.S. 领土(关岛,美属萨摩亚,美国.S. 维尔京群岛)或联邦(波多黎各和北马里亚纳群岛)
  2. 1040年联邦纳税申报表的签名和日期副本,包括附表1和附表2 & 3、如适用.
  3. 列出纳税申报人的税务账户信息的外国政府声明.

随着 核实家庭人数表

对于没有或没有被要求提交美国移民申请表的学生和家长.S. 纳税申报:

  1. 收入非纳税申报人验证声明
  2. 每份就业收入来源的美国国税局表格W2s副本

或者是在美国以外的国家报税, 必须填写一份外国收入证明表格.

Foreign Income 验证 statement with a “验证 of Non-Filing Letter” for individuals who would file a return with a relevant tax authority other than the IRS.

适用于非报税人, 为没有报税的家长或学生提供一份W-2表格的复印件.

随着 核实家庭人数表


You must appear in person (at the 办公室 金融援助) to present a valid and unexpired government-issued photo ID to sign a Statement of Educational Purpose with a financial aid counselor.



为了避免延误, 所有验证文件须于中大网上递交, 但必须亲自填写的教育目的陈述书除外.   我们不能通过电子邮件接受税务信息.

Individuals who are victims of IRS tax-related identity theft must submit a Tax Return Database View (TRDBV) transcript obtained from the IRS and a statement signed and dated by the tax filer indicating that they were victims of IRS tax-related identity theft and that the IRS has been made aware of the tax-related identity theft.  Tax filers may obtain a TRDBV transcript and inform the IRS of the tax-related identity theft by calling the IRS’s Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) at 1.800.908.4490.

For an individual who is required to file an IRS income tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS beyond the automatic six-month extension for the tax year:

  • 一份签署的声明,列出任何收入来源和每项收入来源的金额.
  • 美国国税局批准的超过6个月的自动延期纳税年度的副本.
  • 每份就业收入来源的美国国税局表格W2副本.

如果是自雇人士,签署的声明必须表明估计的AGI和U.S. 纳税年度已缴纳的所得税.

为了验证向美国税务机关提交所得税申报表的税务申报者的收入信息.S. 领土(关岛,美属萨摩亚,美国.S. Virgin Islands) or commonwealth (Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands) or with a foreign government must submit a copy of a transcript of their tax information to the institution if a transcript is available at no charge from that jurisdiction’s taxing authority.  A signed copy of the applicable income tax return that was filed with the taxing authority is only acceptable if tax filers are unable to obtain a free copy of a transcript of their tax information.

我们必须解决在联邦核查过程中发现的任何相互矛盾的信息. 结果是, 在验证过程完成后,您的经济援助的金额和类型可能会发生变化. 如果你的助学金有任何修改,你会收到电子邮件通知.